Skill-Development And Employment-Generation
Short-term basic training programs with special focus on Students & women, children and senior citizens to accelerate financial inclusion and enable greater economic participation. The Sarvatra seva foundation time to time giving training for people so they can run their own business or get a job and making them Aatmanirbhar Sarvatra Sewa Foundation also help to people to get a job.
There are many volunteers associated with the organization, who work in different organizations and there can be an appointment on any post, then they tell the organization and the organization sends a qualified person there, so that that qualified person can get work. and that organization gets a qualified person for work.

Placement Services
Placement Services
We provide placement services for both junior and senior level positions. We interview the candidate and after we are satisfied with the.
Recruitment Services
Accountability – We possess clear and specific vision and execute our task in an organized manner so that we can deliver precise…
Mass Hiring
Accountability – We possess clear and specific vision and execute our task in an organized manner so that we can deliver precise…